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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Finance award for Calapan market

Calapan City has won a major infrastructure award by the Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific (Adfiad), Mayor Paulino Salvador “Doy” Leachon reported to President Benigno Aquino III.
In a press statement, Leachon said the city won the Adfiad’s outstanding development projects under the Infrastructure Development Awards Category for 2010 for the construction of the most modern public market in the provinces of Oriental and Occidental Mindoro, Marinduque, Romblon and Palawan (Mimaropa).
He said the President had personally seen for himself several projects for the socio-economic development of the city in his official visit to inaugurate the P200-million New Calapan City Public Market in December 2010.
“I am pretty sure the President is happy for us for being able to bring our state-of-the-art market to the attention of the world and win such an award,” he said.
From the old public market razed by fire for the third time in May 2008, the 9,000-square meter modern facility was built to spur economic growth and uplift the lives of the people. It is equipped with an elevator and an escalator, and houses stalls for dry goods and wet section.
The structure has a passenger jeepney terminal, ample parking space and built-in piped music.
The President led the inauguration of the new market public market, which is touted as the “most modern and beautiful” in the Mimaropa Region. It was funded by Land Bank of the Philippines.
Adfiad, founded in 1976, is the focal point of all development banks and other financial institutions engaged in the financing of development in the Asia-Pacific region.
Calapan City was honored as Adfiad’s outstanding development projects under the Infrastructure Development Awards Category for 2010.
“The award is something dear to President Aquino since he himself saw the city’s economic change and development, such as the construction and operation of a modern public market,” Leachon said.
He said the President’s visit to Calapan was an opportunity for Calapeños to showcase their initiative to undertake world-class major infra projects.

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