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Friday, August 2, 2013

PENRO targets 6,550 hectares to be planted with fruit trees in OrMin

CALAPAN CITY, Oriental Mindoro, July 26 (PIA) -- The Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) here is targeting this year a total of 6,550 hectares of land to be planted with assorted species of fruit trees and forest tree species province wide. According to Mary June F. Maypa, Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Officer of Oriental Mindoro, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is tasked to lead the Aquino Administration’s priority thrust – the National Greening Program (NGP). She said this program has a goal of planting 1.5 billion trees in 1.5 million hectares nationwide in the period of six years of its implementation. NGP is also an economic program since it complements the Department of Agriculture (DA)’s goal of achieving food security and alleviation of poverty and aligned with DENR’s goal on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Environmental Stability and Biodiversity Conservation. In line with this program and in partnership with the Unified Tree of Life (UTOL) program of the provincial government, employees from the local government units (LGUs), national government agencies and Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) participated in a tree planting activity in Sitio Pastuhan I in barangay Rosacara, Bansud on July 22. NGP balances the needs of a growing community with the aims of protecting and preserving environment and its natural resources. (LBR/LTC/PIA4B/-Calapan City)


clar said...

Any update.Hows the project goin?

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